Stack Moment can help you to store the moment when you want.
- Show the Moments with date, time.
- Stack your daily Moments like diary.
- If you don't mind the time, stack to Note.
- It's very simple to stack.
- Check your To-do with sort as you want and delete immediately.
- Don't forget your To-do by using Powerful reminder.
- Also you can manage with widget.
App bar
- You can Stack the Moment anytime, anywhere without unlock the device.
And other cool features
- Multiple stack without close the stack window
- Check the other Moments while write the new one
- Make the Moment preset and Stack on the desired date.
- Customize app color as your wish
- Dark mode
- Protect app by password
- Backup and restore (device & Google drive)
- Share to Stack Moment
- Stack using a third-party app with shortcut or activity.
If you have any question or suggestion, please send email to